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Posts mit dem Label rant werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen


[ ffffound! ]

Just keep your mouth shut when really you don't have anything to say. Hate empty promises and stuff. Why can't people ever think before talking.. ?



[ ffffound! ]
Mhm. Quite a statement.

Watching TV - some girls are competing for an internship at Instyle. Seems fun.



I can't wait for summer - or at least spring - to come. Yeah.
It's been hot/cold/hot/cold for the past few days. Which sucks.


Right now.


Anett Griffel [foto-decadent]

Do any of your 'real life' friends actually know you're having a blog?
Do they visit it from time to time?

Mine don't. And it's better off that way. I don't need them here. I like being anonym. My friends basically know everything about me. - But this is my own little spot right now.


There's something pretty fascinating about this picture. I saved it a while ago. Love the face of the dark haired girl.
The thing about living in a village next to a city is that gossip spreads easily. You can't tell anyone anything without having to expect that some time soon everybody will know. Great. Fun!
Maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm so pissed. Pissed, that I broke my very own rule. People don't talk behind my back. They just don't. There hardly is any gossip about me.. because everything I do I know how to keep secretly - or simply don't do it at all. But now there is.
I had people I didn't even know talking to me, telling me that they didn't like me just because of stuff I never ever did. It never happend. Someone had to be pretty bored in order to make that up & spend so much effort spreading it all over town.
Oh, and I don't know who to credit for the picture because I have NO idea where I had it from in the first place.



I suppose some things are just ment to popp. To vanish. I wish they didn't have to, though. I wish you could keep them alive. Put them in a glasscube.
Save them.

Hello there.

This decorates our wall. The flowers still alive.